Monday, January 9, 2012


The property (a chácara, or small ranch) appears to be very old, and it has a beautiful row of fruit trees. Here are a few, along with--why not?--the Republican presidential candidate they remind me of.

Laranja - orange. A wild variety. Acerbic and ancient.

Cereja - cherry. Small and sharp; colorful but not quite ripe yet.

Manga - mango. Rotund. Overripe.

  1. recear - to regret, e.g. Receio que sim
  2. o enteado - stepson
  3. a gozação - mockery, ridicule
  4. Cale a boca! - Shut up!
  5. bobo - silly, foolish
  6. o bolso - pocket
  7. se esforçar - to exert oneself
  8. agüentar - to stand, e.g. Não agüento mais!
  9. o cara - a guy
  10. comprovar - to prove
  11. enxergar - to perceive, to find
  12. o repelente - bug spray
  13. a demão - coat (of paint)
  14. a enchente - flood
  15. não prestar - to be no good
  16. o bacherel - bachelor's degree
  17. Isso - Precisely.
  18. a herva daninha - weed
  19. estragar - to ruin
  20. atrapalhar - to get in the way
  21. alagado - flooded, waterlogged
  22. a bomba - pump
  23. aliás - by the way
  24. o moleque - a bro

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